Using the Dynamic Student Report (EQ Schools using Version 6.79)

  1. Login to OneSchool
  2. Reports / Student Management / Lists…
  3. Select Dynamic Student List Report
  4. Scroll down and tick the following fields: Year Level, Roll Class, Date of Birth, Age, Sex, MISId, Residential Address
  5. Select Excel as the Report Format, then select Generate Report
  6. You will then be asked ‘Do you want to Open or Save this file?’ Click Save and save to your Desktop
  7. Go to the Desktop and open the Excel File
  8. Right click on the 1 (in the Blue/Grey box…it’s the Row number indicator) and click Delete. Repeat this until you only have the data headings e.g. Student Name, etc…across the top row (under column letters)
  9. To split up Surname and First Name:
    1. Create a new column to the right of the Student Name column (right click on B column header and click Insert)
    2. Now right click on Column A (should highlight Student Names) and up on the top ribbon menu select “Data” tab and then under that select ‘Text to columns’
    3. Select ‘Delimited’ then ‘Next’
    4. Unclick ‘Tab’ and click ‘Comma’ and then click ‘Next’
    5. Click ‘Finish’
    6. If it asks you ‘do you want to replace the contents of the destination cells’ then select ‘Yes’
    7. In Cell B1 give the column a name… GivenName
  10. Adding @eq.edu.au to MIS number
    1. Insert a column to the right of the column containing the MIS number
    2. Click at the start of the new column and add in the formula =I6&”@eq.edu.au” (I is the number of the column where the MIS number is found, 6 is the row of the first student)
  11. Save the document as an Excel File.
  12. Then go to File > Save As, go to Save as Type > Tab Delimited (*.txt)
  13. Save as *.txt file to Desktop
  14. Close the document.
  15. Open LibCode > Utilities > Backup/Restore > External Backup give this a specific name e.g. 20140211PreSynch
  16. Go to Utilities > Update > Circulation > Synchronise Borrower > Text File
  17. Select Yes (as you have already backed up)
  18. Choose the file and Open
  19. Untick ‘Update Specific Fields of Existing Borrowers Only’ to update all students
  20. Tick ‘Skip first row’ as these are the headings
  21. Match the Fields to the relevant Titles
  22. Check and if all is correct, Synchronise
  23. Close, then go into Circulation > Borrowers and check to see if everything is okay.
  24. If the wheels fall off… DON’T use Circulation until you Restore the Circulation data from the backup you made (Utilities > Backup-Restore > Restore > Circulation Only…) accept default if you did a “Backup” or Browse if you did some other backup and find the files… OR call us for help.

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